To consider the planning applications contained in the list.
The Committee considered the applications in the *Plans List.
1) 24/01481/HOUSE - Installation of Air Source Heat Pump to East (rear) elevation at 30 Marshall Close, Tiverton, Devon.
The Planning Officer outlined the contents of the report by way of a presentation and highlighted the following:-
· There were no updates to the report.
· The Application was presented to the Committee today as the applicant was an employee of Mid Devon District Council.
· No objections had been received.
· The main issues raised were the residential amenity of adjoining residents and climate change.
Discussion took place regarding:-
· The decibel levels of the heat pumps and the level of noise expected. It was explained that the noise level was well within the boundaries set.
It was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.
(Proposed by Cllr C Harrower and seconded by Cllr B Holdman)
Reason for the Decision – as set out in the report.
2) 24/01102/FULL - Creation of 2 parking spaces at Land at NGR 282699 102593, Crofts Estate, Sandford
The Planning Officer outlined the contents of the report by way of a presentation and highlighted the following:-
· The site was part of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Mid Devon District Council were the applicant.
· The Application was for the creation of 2 parking spaces.
· The area of grass that would be replaced was just over 57sqm.
· The main issues raised related to whether the car parking spaces were disabled. However they were not proposed to be disabled car parking spaces and would be available for use by all residents of the Croft’s Estate.
· The Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) would see the loss of 29.04msq of grassland which would trigger the requirement for BNG. The retained grassland was proposed to be planted with flowering lawn mix to achieve a 23.6% BNG at the site.
Discussion took place regarding:-
· Whether the paving would be permeable? It was explained that there was a condition to say that permeable hardstanding should be incorporated.
· A request for grasscrete to be used was suggested as a condition however it was explained that the Committee could use an informative to indicate support for this as a solution rather than a condition being placed on the application.
It was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions. Members of the Planning Committee noted that grasscrete would be preferred.
(Proposed by Cllr J Downes and seconded by Cllr G Czapiewski)
Reason for the Decision – as set out in the report.
3) 24/01370/FULL - Sub-division of a dwelling to form two dwellings at 4 - 5 Higher Ley, Nymet Rowland, Crediton.
The Planning Officer outlined the contents of the report by way of a presentation and highlighted the following:-
· Mid Devon District Council were the applicants.
· The existing dwelling was formerly converted internally from 2 dwellings into 1. The dwelling was no longer required to be this size at this time.
· To the west was a car parking area in the Council’s ownership.
· No changes were proposed to the exterior of the building as the front doors were retained when it was converted into 1 dwelling.
· As the conversion was simplistic there was an internal connecting door which would now be blocked up using a cavity wall and some lightweight internal stud partitions.
· For the first floor plans it was initially proposed to be 2 bedrooms per home however after assessing the size against the National Described Space Standards this would have been below requirement and the application was now for 1 bedroom plus a study space for each house.
· The main issues related to parking and technical housing standards.
Discussion took place regarding:-
· Whether there was a demand for housing of this size in that area. It was explained that Mid Devon Housing (MDH) would be aware of the demand requirements for housing across the district.
· The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration urged the applicant to look at improvements for car parking in the blue zone.
It was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.
(Proposed by Cllr B Holdman and seconded by Cllr G DuChesne).
Reason for the Decision – as set out in the report.
4. 24/01596/NMA - Non-Material Amendment for 23/00126/FULL at 2 – 8 Beech Road Tiverton Devon
The Area Team Leader outlined the contents of the report by way of a presentation and highlighted the following:-
· The Application came before the Committee in April 2024 for the erection of 8 affordable dwellings following the demolition of 4 existing dwellings.
· The main issues raised when considering whether changes would be acceptable as being non material to the approved development.
· The approved plan showed parking arrangements with 2 spaces to the west side of the building and 7 spaces to the east side whereas the change would be for 1 parking space to the west and 8 to the east with the additional landscaping and pedestrian access from Beech Road.
· The communal bin store area and bicycle area would have improved access.
· There would be no change to the building itself apart from the external staircase.
· As a result of the changes to the parking areas there would be an increase to planting and an improvement to the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) being delivered to the site. From the last scheme to this new proposed scheme there would be an increase of 13.2sqm of mixed scrub habitat; an increase of 4.2sqm of native meadow and 8.5sqm increase on linear hedgerow and an additional 2 trees.
· The proposed scheme did not increase in the scale of the development and would not result in a detrimental impact visually.
Discussion took place regarding:-
· The fact that normally Non-Material Applications were delegated, however as it was a Mid Devon District Council application it had to come before the Committee.
It was RESOLVED that the Non-Material Amendment be approved.
(Proposed by Cllr G Cochran and seconded by Cllr M Jenkins)
Reason for the Decision – as set out in the report.
Note: *List and report previously circulated and attached to the minutes.
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