The Cabinet had before it a
report * from the Director of Place and Economy on the Cullompton
Town Centre Relief Road.
The Cabinet Member for Planning
and Economic Regeneration outlined the contents of the report with
particular reference to the following:
- At the Cabinet
Meeting on the 4June 2024, Members received an update on various
strategic transport infrastructure schemes in Cullompton and that,
at that time, the Council were awaiting a decision from Homes
England regarding the possibility of additional funding to ensure
delivery of the Cullompton Town Centre Relief Road. This decision had been deferred as a result of the
general election that subsequently occurred in July
- In August, Homes
England subsequently confirmed a positive decision by its Board to
make available the full funding needed to deliver this hugely
important scheme.
- This progress was
vastly significant given that the Town Centre Relief Road was of
key importance to improve the amenity of the town centre, tackle
air quality problems and unlock housing in the area. Furthermore,
the vast majority of Cullompton residents were keen to get this
scheme delivered, with 92% of local residents supportive of the
Relief Road proposal when asked earlier in 2024.
- Since that time,
officers had been working hard to continue to progress the
scheme. Proactive and positive steps
had been taken in relation to the relocation of the Cricket Club,
remobilisation of the design team and in making meaningful progress
with Tesco in relation to the purchase of its land required to
deliver the Relief Road. The latter had
recently taken a welcomed and positive step in confirming the sale
(subject to contract) of its land to support delivery of the road.
- Building-on and
continuing this progress, the report provided an update, but also
sought authority to enter into updated agreements with Homes
England and Devon County Council which were necessary in order to
now fully enable delivery of the Relief Road.
- The Homes England
Grant Funding Agreement issued to Mid Devon was set out in a
standard form and was an updated version of the previous
contractual arrangements that were with them for the initial
Housing Infrastructure Grant. Officers,
including the Legal Services Manager, had reviewed the draft
Agreement and would continue in negotiating and discussing specific
matters and wording with Homes England.
- Similarly, the
agreement with Devon County Council was also being updated to
reflect the latest Homes England requirements and to ensure that
the funding could readily be made available to the County Council
to enable delivery of the road within the availability period of
the grant funding. It should be noted that inflation and
contingency had been allowed for within the project cost
estimates/funding envelope and that the Council’s cost
liability would not exceed the funding envelope as set out. As
Delivery Partner, Devon County Council would be responsible for
delivery of the project - including cost, risk and programme.
Updated and strengthened governance arrangements were being put in
place to provide delivery assurance to the Council and to create a
strong platform for delivery of this key infrastructure. Devon
County Council was expected to also take a paper before its Cabinet
in December 2024.
Discussion took place
- Was the agreement
with Homes England binding once the Council entered it and could
Homes England withdraw their funding once the agreement had been
- At what point would
the Relief Road become certain? Was it upon contract signing or at
any other critical decisions point where the project could
- Were there any
alternative options to Devon County Council as a delivery partner
in terms of value for money or contingency plans?
- The grant from Homes
England and would this be recouped from S106 contributions and the
fund retained by the Council for further potential infrastructure
projects. Would these funds be ring fenced for infrastructure that
would benefit Cullompton?
- The entry into an
updated Grant Funding Agreement with Homes England to secure
£33.5 million of Housing Infrastructure Fund monies and grant
delegated authority to the Director of Place and Economy in
consultation with the Section 151 Officer and Director of Legal,
People and Governance to finalise and sign the agreements in
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Governance, Finance and
Risk and Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration be
- The entry in to an
updated Agreement with Devon County Council (as Delivery Partner)
to enable delivery of the Relief Road by the County Council as
Highways Authority, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for
Governance, Finance and Risk and Cabinet Member for Planning and
Economic Regeneration be APPROVED
- The use of Homes
England Capacity Funding (£109,150) to support work streams
during this financial year (2024/25) be APPROVED
- To grant delegated
authority to the Director of Place and Economy in consultation with
the Section 151 Officer and Director of Legal, People and
Governance to enter into any subsequent legal agreements should
they become necessary to facilitate the completion of the project
and in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Governance, Finance
and Risk and Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration
(Proposed by Cllr S Keable and
seconded by Cllr J Buczkowski)
Reason for decision: As stated
in the report
Note: * Report previously