Committee had before it, a report * from the Director of Legal,
People and Governance (Monitoring Officer) outlining the Government
Consultation, Strengthening the Standards and Conduct framework for
Local Authorities in England.
Director of Legal, People & Governance (Monitoring Officer)
outlined the content of the report with particular reference to the
- An
overview of the Government consultation on proposed changes to the
Local Government Standards Regime. The consultation, titled
"Strengthening the Standards and Conduct Framework for Local
Authorities in England," sought to gather views on a range of
reforms aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and fairness of the
standards system.
- For
the Committee to consider the Government consultation and to
provide feedback on the Council’s position.
following was discussed:
- The
National Mandatory Code of Conduct would be necessary to ensure
consistency and transparency across all levels of Local
- The
Code of Conduct to be rooted in the seven Nolan
- The
current process was managed well and would not see it necessary to
have a Government wide Code of Conduct.
- There should be a national minimum standards for Local
- The
consistency across Town and Parishes that may use the same Code of
Conduct as this Council.
- Individual’s accountability relied on their cooperation
and the importance of engaging with the process.
- Standards Committees were potentially open to be misused,
therefore to have an independent external Local Government
Ombudsman to deal with complaints would be of benefit?
- How
was the Standards Committee dealt with years ago from a national
level before all of the changes?
- Vexatious complaints that had no evidence should be triaged by
the Monitoring Officer rather than all complaints going to a
Standards Committee.
- The
Code of Conduct had no power within it.
- If
complaints were heard by the Standards Committee then it should not
have to go to Full Council after, as the Standards Committee
Members had the relevant training.
- Councillors should not be judging or policing other Councillors,
the independent body should be dealing with this.
- Complaints were currently dealt with informally if
- Only cases in which a Member would be found guilty of wrongdoing
should it then be published. This would
also depend on the seriousness of the conduct. All investigations
should be concluded even if the member resigned before the
conclusion of the investigation.
- The
average number of complaints against elected Members were 10 over a
12-month period.
- If
Members had breached the rules within the Code of Conduct they
should be suspended.
- If
Members were to be suspended from duty, who would represent their
ward and their casework? A form of recall mechanism should be in
place, therefore if a Member had been suspended then it would
trigger an election. The electorate should decide who they wished
to stand as their Member to represent them.
- A
discussion regarding suspension and the protocols and processes in
place to represent their residents whilst absent from office would
have to take place.
- The
time limit on the maximum length of suspension would be 3
- If
a Member was under investigation for a serious matter and under
police investigation would the 3 month period for suspension be
long enough?
- Allowances should not be paid to those Members that were
- To
implement a ban to the Council’s premises and facilities for
Members that were suspended. If there were to be a serious
allegation in order to protect others, it must be a neutral act for
a period of investigation.
- An
interim suspension should be applied to investigate the complaint
as swiftly as possible.
- Re
Disqualification for 5 years - this would be depending upon the
allegations and seriousness of the matter.
- If
a Member was in prison would they still receive an
- If
a Member had a suspended sentence would they be able to stand as an
elected Member?
- Discussion around the right to appeal and processes in place and
the timeframe that this may take.
- A
review mechanism for a decision to be reviewed from an external
was therefore RESOLVED that the Standards Committee
RECOMMENDED to Full Council that:
- The
Council notes and provides feedback on the Government
- The
Director of Legal, People & Governance (Monitoring Officer) be
delegated to respond to the Government with the Council’s
(Proposed by the Chair)
Note: * Report previously circulated.