To receive a presentation from Devon County Council regarding the Employment and Skills Hub Project.
Representatives from Devon County Council (DCC) provided the Group with a presentation on the Employment and Skills Hub project. This included the following summary information:
· The Hub service was based on a successful approach developed via the Exeter Youth Hub which was set up in 2021.
· It was open to anyone looking to move into employment, education and training with a particular focus on people who had struggled to engage with existing provision or self-advocation.
· The Hub worked within the community for the community, tailoring support to specific needs. Although the service offer was consistent across all the Hubs, how it responded to need would vary depending on local demographics, sectors and employers, existing provision etc.
· There was a ‘warm handover’ and networking was fundamental to Hub success and outcomes.
· It was an ‘in person’ service offered across two locations in Mid Devon.
· Hub advisers worked alongside individuals in an informal environment to support their journey into employment and further education.
· Virtual / online support was available to those who may struggle to access an ‘in-person’ service or who preferred a combination.
· For those looking to self-serve or who only needed a light touch intervention, further advice and information could be found on the DCC Employment and Skills website.
· Hub locations were in Tiverton Library and ‘the Bookery’ in Crediton. There had been:
- Over 120 referrals
- 55 people supported
- 7 into employment / self employment, 18 into training/education
- 21 disabled, 3 care experienced
- 147 outputs which was 132% of total outputs (111) and 219% of targets up until the end of Q3
- 46 outcomes which was 56% of total outcomes (82) and 115% of targets up until the end of Q3
· Three different case studies were presented illustrating how the project had helped particular individuals.
· A long-term clear offer for individuals which was:
- A proven model of person-centred triage and supported employment.
- Strategic collective action, providing economies of scale and removing areas of duplication.
- One team informed of the whole skills and employment offer including; supported internships, supported employment, Careers Hub projects, Multiply Numeracy, Skills Bootcamps, Digital Series, Digital Skills Partnership, T:Levels and Apprenticeships.
- Maximising local funding to provide a high-quality experience across in-person, virtual and self-serve support.
- Standardized and Shared Management Information system mapped to Shared Prosperity Funding (SPF) Outputs and Outcomes.
Discussion took place regarding:
· The project spread its net widely proactively seeking links with community groups such as Churches Housing Action Team (CHAT), wellbeing Schemes and volunteering agencies.
· There were strong links with adult learning schemes and mental health services.
· The ‘One front door’ approach was a key to success.
· Constructive working relationships with District Councils was also key, the hub project could not operate where this relationship failed to exist.
· There were mental health difficulties with approximately 50% of the people who engaged with the project. Building up an individual’s confidence was vital but this often took considerable time. Engagement with the project was voluntary, it was not mandated by other agencies.
· Hubs needed to situate themselves in locations which offered easy access for those wanting to use them.
· The security of funding for the project moving forwards was unknown.
The Chair thanked the Devon County Council representatives for attending and providing the presentation to the Group which had been very interesting. He requested that they be invited to return in 12 month’s time to provide an update on progress by which time there may be more information available on the future funding situation.