The Cabinet Member for
Governance, Finance and Risk outlined the contents of the report
with particular reference to the following:
The extensive collaborative process over the past
year, one that had required careful planning, rigorous scrutiny and
a shared commitment to delivering a budget that was both balanced
and responsible.
Throughout the process, Members had worked
constructively to deliver the best possible outcomes for the
residents of Mid Devon through Policy Development Groups (PDGs),
Cabinet and Scrutiny Committee.
They had worked together to identify proposals that
allowed the Council to set this budget largely without significant
impact on frontline services.
This was no small feat given the financial pressures
faced by Councils across the country. It was a remarkable
achievement and one that reflected the fiscal responsibility this
administration had restored to this Council.
He thanked Members from all groups for their active
engagement throughout this process. The way that Members had worked
together, constructively, collaboratively, with open discussion,
robust challenge and a shared commitment to doing what was right
for our residents and communities was exactly how local government
should work.
He thanked the finance team and officers across all
service areas for their hard work, expertise and dedication. In
particular, his gratitude went to the Deputy Chief Executive (S151)
Officer, Head of Finance, Property and Climate Resilience and Head
of Revenue, Benefits and Leisure. Their leadership and diligence
had been instrumental in ensuring we reached this
The financial reports approved by Cabinet earlier
this month, including those ratified earlier this evening, form the
basis of the 2025/26 budget.
The Council Tax requirement for the Council as the
billing authority was also our responsibility. Ensuring that
Council Tax was set correctly and aligned with the referendum
criteria and that it was collected on behalf of Devon County
Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Fire and Rescue
Authority and Town and Parish Councils.
The report before Council set out in Appendix A,
contained the formal resolution that the Council was legally
required to approve.
It detailed the Council Tax charges across all 8
bands of parish level and the statutory report from the Section 151
officer which provided assurance on the robustness of the budget
and the adequacy of our reserves.
The Deputy Chief Executive
(S151) Officer highlighted the following:
This was a statutory report reflecting a process of
many months of collaborative work.
The robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of
reserves were self-explanatory. The estimates had been set in a
very robust and challenging manner.
The review of reserve levels were monitored on a
regular basis and clearly made sure this Council maintained healthy
levels of reserves to weather any financial and operational
That the Council's funding position and strategic
position had probably never been more uncertain at this time of
Regular updates would be provided to Members on how
that would impact the Council's financial position.
Cllr J
Buczkowski MOVED and seconded by Cllr S
“To approve the formal
Council Tax Resolution as laid out in Appendix 1, subject to the
approval by each Precepting Authority of its own Precepts as
included within this report”
“That the views and
recommendations of the Deputy Chief Executive (Section 151 Officer)
on the Robustness of the Estimates used within the 2025/26 Budget
and that the levels of reserves held had been assessed as Adequate
as outlined within Section 4 of this report be NOTED”
Chair MOVED in accordance with Procedure Rule
“That the vote in respect
of this MOTION shall be by Roll
A roll call of Members present
at the meeting was then taken.
Those voting FOR the MOTION: C Adcock, D Broom, E
Buczkowski, J Buczkowski, J Cairney, S J Clist, F J Colthorpe, C
Connor, L Cruwys, G Czapiewski, J M Downes, M Farrell, B Fish,
M Fletcher, R Gilmour, A Glover, C Harrower, B Holdman, M Jenkins,
S Keable, L Knight, F Letch, N Letch, J Lock, J Poynton, R Roberts,
A Stirling, L Taylor, H Tuffin, G Westcott, A White and D
Upon a vote being taken
the MOTION was declared to have
Report previously circulated