Council will be aware of the stated intention from government to ‘simplify’ local government structures by requiring two-tier areas (and adjacent or smaller unitaries) to reorganise into unitary structures. Invitations for proposals for local government reorganisation have been sent to all Leaders of councils in areas affected, with the deadline for responses due later this year; before 28th November 2025. However, a submission to government on our initial plan is required before 21st March. Following confirmation of the intended timeline, the process for Devon sees the government indicating its intention to receive proposals by the 28th November, to consult on viable options in early 2026 and then to make a final decision in summer 2026 on what the best form of local government for Devon should be.
This is a process that has not been initiated by the councils of Devon, nor its people. Our challenge now is to recognise the intent of central government and seek to secure the best possible outcome for our communities. Councils are more than just delivery arms or agents of central government. While there will be many views on the viability or sensibility of such enforced changes, our aim should be to seek that we retain, as far as is possible, some form of connection to local place, distinctiveness and identity within any new councils for Devon and, ultimately, that we keep the ‘local’ in local government.
It is recommended that the Council:
1. Notes the importance of keeping the public informed on this process that central government has mandated of us
2. Recognises the excellent collaboration across most of the councils in Devon and hopes that this spirit continues over the coming months with a view to effective partnership working and sharing the resource requirements of developing the full proposal
3. Ensures that meaningful and substantial public engagement and consultation takes place before the submission of any proposal in November
4. Supports the submission to government of an initial plan for the 21st March deadline outlining the current proposal, which would potentially see an enlarged Plymouth City area with the remaining county geography split in two – achieving the government’s requirement of serving approximately 500k population in these two new areas. Such a proposal would see Devon’s existing 11 councils reduced to 3; reported locally as the 1,5,4 proposal
5. Tasks the Leader and Chief Executive with ensuring the best possible submission is presented to government and that any revisions or amendments continue to reflect the districts’ best interests; and
6. Writes immediately to Devon County Council to request that they consider submitting this majority-supported proposal as one of the options they intend to look at in future, seeking to work with the new administration after May’s elections to achieve better alignment between the efforts of all councils in Devon as we work up full and final proposals.
The Council had before it background information and recommendations in relation to Local Government Reorganisation in Devon.
The Leader, who had been unable to attend the meeting in person due to work commitments, had asked the Cabinet Member for Housing and Property Services to read out a statement on his behalf:
“Councillors, firstly, my
apologies for not being with you this evening at another
Extraordinary Council meeting to discuss Local Government
I leave you tonight in the very capable hands of my two deputies, Councillor Jane Lock and Councillor Simon Clist. Since the announcement by central government in December, things have been moving at speed with the number of meetings I am attending with other local leaders of the Devon District’s, City, Unitary and County Council stacking up.
I want to make it quite clear from the outset that I do not support
the move towards unitary and firmly believe that it will impact our
resident’s representation and heap heavy responsibility on
For example currently our individual Councillors represent areas of
around 1600 electors and county councillors, around 11,000. Under
the reorganisation, one Councillor will represent an area of
approximately 5000 electors. That may not seem too bad from the
outset, but as a Councillor you will have to deal with issues that
you currently face, including social housing, waste collections our
vital leisure services, planning applications, licencing and much
much more. However, you will also have
to deal with issues around the state of our roads, schools, special
educational needs, adult social care,
public transport and again much much
5000 electors might not seem too bad in urban areas and large
towns, but how does that impact our rural areas, of which most of
Mid Devon is?
Let me put this into perspective. That would be one Councillor
covering my own ward of Bradninch,
Silverton and Cadbury plus all the small hamlets and communities in
between. Each with their own individual needs and issues.
This will spell the end of local representation, the Councillor you
speak to in the street daily or at local events, at the church, or
even down at the local pub.
I have prided myself on being a Councillor with a young family and a full time job. Yes, I'm very busy but I can still be a local Councillor. This administration has made the Council more family friendly with more evening meetings than ever before, and this allows the Council to be far more representative of the residents we serve. Being a local representative should not just be for the retired, self-employed, or the wealthy - it should be a range of individuals and backgrounds. Under a unitary regime it will be daytime meetings and lengthy travelling to meetings. It will also be difficult for the public to attend meetings which is of course a vital part of democracy.
Despite our objections to reorganisation, the current Government
have their own ideas and have insisted that initial plans should be
put forward by the 21st of March, with more robust plans in place
by the 28th of November.
I've already made the case for local representation and firmly
believe that a county wide unitary will not serve our residents in
the best way. Leaders from across the Districts in Devon have
agreed on a more sensible option of splitting Devon, as per the
report in front of you. It is still a big area and not ideal, but
it does serve our residents better than any other options I have
This is in line with the government's requirements and ensures that
the Council is not too big. Just imagine a county wide unitary with
over 200 councillors, especially when a roll call is
I ask you to support the report and the recommendations tonight as
we look to make the best case for our residents supporting the
individuality of Mid Devon and call upon the County to support the
proposal that has almost all of Devon Council's in
The Cabinet Member for People, Development and Deputy Leader also provided a statement:
“The Leader asked me to put forward some reflections on our close neighbour's journey to unitary in comparison with Devon.
As many of you know, I
previously sat on Somerset County Council and was involved in the
run up to going unitary. South Somerset District Council held a
referendum and residents were overwhelmingly against the change.
However, neither the County Council nor the Government of the time
took any notice.
The District Councils in Somerset were financially sound and
provided good local services. The County Council were not. Only
savage cuts, delivered through an Extraordinary Council meeting,
postponed a section 114 notice.
For all their talk of a balanced budget, Devon County Council
hovers on the brink of bankruptcy. Their reserves are depleted.
Children's Services, including SEND provision and the rising cost
of delivering Adult Social Care are driving them further into
crisis and I fear for the future of our discretionary services
currently available to our communities.
When reorganisation took place in Somerset County, finances were a
mess. This year, Government have given permission for a one off
Council Tax rise of 7.5%, which will help them through this year
but is nowhere near enough to address the now £200 million
lost through freezing Council Tax for seven years.
A larger county wide unitary
will put huge pressure on services, and whilst Government clearly
intends to force Devon down the unitary route, we must proceed with
the best of intentions and continue to serve the 80,000 Mid Devon
residents who depend on us in the best way we can and work towards
decisions that give our area the best opportunity of retaining its
individuality. I urge you to support the recommendations tonight as
we move forward in partnership with our neighbouring Councils.
Thank you.”
The Chair then reiterated the 6 recommendations that were before Council.
That Council:
1. Notes the importance of keeping the public informed on this process that central government has mandated of us.
2. Recognises the excellent collaboration across most of the councils in Devon and hopes that this spirit continues over the coming months with a view to effective partnership working and sharing the resource requirements of developing the full proposal.
3. Ensures that meaningful and substantial public engagement and consultation takes place before the submission of any proposal in November.
4. Supports the submission to government of an initial plan for the 21st March deadline outlining the current proposal, which would potentially see an enlarged Plymouth City area with the remaining county geography split in two – achieving the government’s requirement of serving approximately 500k population in these two new areas. Such a proposal would see Devon’s existing 11 councils reduced to 3; reported locally as the 1,5,4 proposal.
5. Tasks the Leader and Chief Executive with ensuring the best possible submission is presented to government and that any revisions or amendments continue to reflect the districts’ best interests; and
6. Writes immediately to Devon County Council to request that they consider submitting this majority-supported proposal as one of the options they intend to look at in future, seeking to work with the new administration after May’s elections to achieve better alignment between the efforts of all councils in Devon as we work up full and final proposals.
Cllr G Westcott MOVED an AMENDMENT which was seconded by Cllr H Tuffin:
To amend recommendation number 4 to read as follows:
That Council supports the submission to government of an initial plan for the 21st March deadline; the submission to emphasize and reflect the importance of geography, and of access and accountability, for the appropriate population size of new authorities in rural areas with sparse settlement; recognizing that for cost-efficiency and effectiveness, the appropriate population size will be considerably smaller in such areas than in those of dense or urban settlements.
Upon a vote being taken, the AMENDMENT was declared to have been FAILED.
Discussion continued regarding:
· The importance of learning lessons from elsewhere.
· The need to fight for the best outcome for Mid Devon residents.
· The need for a review of local authorities was overdue but not at the cost of less representation.
· The process had been dictated by Westminster. Collectively the Devon authorities would need to invest up to £50m to support reorganisation. Add to that, the disruption and rising costs which would all lead to a weaker democracy. Communities would be left feeling lost and alone. Where would there be meaningful engagement at a local level in the future? This was ‘restructuring by force’ with decisions already having been made. However, there was a need to be realistic, the Council needed to fight for the best possible outcome based on evidence, transparency and available democracy. Doing nothing would leave local communities voiceless.
The Cabinet Member for Housing, Property Services and Deputy Leader MOVED, seconded by the Cabinet Member for People, Development and Deputy Leader that the six recommendations before Council be supported.
Upon a vote being taken, the MOTION, was declared to have been CARRIED.