To receive a report from the Head of Communities and Governance providing Members with an update on performance against the Corporate and local service targets for 2016/17 as well as providing an update on any key risks.
Please note: If Members have questions regarding this report please submit them to the clerk in advance of the meeting so that the appropriate officer can be asked to attend or provide a written response.
The Committee had before it, and NOTED, a report * from the Head of Communities & Governance providing Members with an update on performance against the Corporate Plan and local service targets for 2016-17 as well as providing an update on the key business risks.
It was explained that some of the performance indicators had been amended to reflect the new Corporate Plan and the four Policy Development Groups.
Discussion took place regarding:
· The amount of residual household waste per household going to landfill and the fact that the Cabinet were regularly kept up to date.
· The need for the three different shades of green used within the reports to be more distinct and therefore clearer in terms of meaning.
· There was a target to achieve ‘80 homes to be delivered’ with only 16 having been achieved in quarter one which was about 20% down on where the Council should be, however, that could be reversed very quickly at any point in the next three quarters with the proposed developments.
· Average days to re-let local authority houses and the fact that a comment was made that ‘the team struggled to meet the target of 16 days’. The Chairman asked whether anything had been done to assist that team? The Director of Finance, Assets and Resources stated that he would speak to the Head of Housing to get an update and pass it on the Committee. It was further explained that there were different void types with some needing a major upgrade. Legally the Council was not allowed to insist that tenants pay a deposit before occupying a property, however, it did proactively charge tenants who caused damage or who had not given a property back in a satisfactory condition. The Chairman was concerned that realistic targets be set which were attainable.
· The response times in relation to Freedom of Information requests had improved due to a new member of staff being appointed to look after this area.
· The quarter one figure for the number of working days lost due to sickness absence was slightly higher this year than last year but was still within target.
· Additional information was provided by the Internal Audit Team Leader who had received an update from the Head of Planning and Regeneration that day regarding staffing levels in her department. For ‘the planning guarantee’ it was permissible to arrange extensions of time for a planning determination as long as it was in writing and agreed with the client. She further explained that some of the performance indicators had been removed from these reports to try and reduce the volume, however, as a result, the Committee lost a bit of context. The Planning Committee had been informed that major applications processed within 13 weeks were 75% and minor within 8 weeks were 72% both of which was over their targets. Perhaps a couple of performance indicators needed to be added back in to provide some relevant context to all committees. It was confirmed that the Planning Department still had some unfilled vacancies. In addition to this the Head of the Department was planning a restructure in the near future.
· The Chairman stated that for the private sector the average number of working days lost through sickness absence was less than it was for the public sector and that he would like to see the target reduced next year so that it was more realistic.
Note: * Report previously circulated; copy attached to the signed minutes.
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