Cabinet Members will answer questions from Members on their Portfolios.
1. Councillor R M Deed referred to a total waste of Council funds in that in one of his villages, one of the roads has been identified for double yellow lines, he had not been informed and nor had the Parish Council. Part of the road was owned by Mid Devon District Council but had not been adopted. He stated that you can paint as many double yellow lines as you like, but they would not be enforced, who authorised this?
The Cabinet Member for Housing stated that he was unaware of the issue but that if the details could be passed to him he would look into it.
2. Councillor R M Deed addressing the Leader quoted from the Tiverton Gazette about a meeting that the Leader had had with the MP for Central Devon, referring to the extension of the Dartmoor railway between Exeter and Okehampton. At a recent meeting of the Okehampton Rail Group, members had voiced concern regarding the article in that no mention had been made of the hard work of the Group and the general public, just the work of the politicians and that the work of the ordinary people should have been recognised, he asked that the Leader check the facts before taking the credit.
The Leader responded stating that he agreed with the hard work of the group and the general public that had taken place but that he hadn’t written the article, but had met with the MP who had taken an interest in the line. He would not like anyone to think that he wrote the article and delivered it to the press.
3. Councillor Mrs J Roach addressing the Leader stated that the Leader had referred to Facebook posts during the discussion on the Standards Minutes, was he aware of overt and covert postings and that someone could be following her on Facebook.
The Leader stated that the post had been published on the Tiverton Gazette and the Express and Echo website and that Councillor Roach’s comments had been published there.
4. Councillor Roach addressing the Leader in the absence of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration stated that she was disgruntled of having to wait for information regarding the AONB.
The Leader stated that he would follow this up and provide a written response.
5. Councillor Mrs N Woollatt addressing the Cabinet Member for the Environment stated that discussions had taken place at Cullompton Town Council with regard to the size of the font on the recycling collection calendar and that there were also concerns regarding the colour coding, which could prove difficult for people who were colour blind, could this be considered in the future?
The Cabinet Member stated that he had seen the leaflets and would look into the matter and provide a written response.
6. Councillor N A Way addressing the Leader stated that he had seen the comments in the Western Morning News regarding devolution; his party were sceptical with regard to devolution particularly the Elected Mayor. If a new tier was to be created, why were they not getting rid of another tier and what was the feeling about this, was it just more jobs for the boys?
The Leader responded stating that there had been no discussions within the Heart of the South West Group with regard to Local Government reorganisation. In terms of jobs for the boys, in a combined authority an officer role would be taken from an existing authority. There would be no financial payment for a Member sitting on a combined authority other than the normal travel expenses. However an Elected Mayor would cost, and a Mayor’s office would have to be precepted for. There was no real appetite to have an Elected Mayor.
Discussion followed regarding how the Minister could impose an Elected Mayor and that it would be for the Local Authorities, the CCG, National Parks and the LEP to decide if they wished to proceed.
The Chief Executive stated that the Secretary of State would have to put forward legislation to create a new entity, if there was no support, clearly central Government would not progress new legislation that would not be supported locally.