To receive and consider the reports, Minutes and recommendations of the meetings as follows:
(1) Cabinet
- 5 January 2017
- 2 February 2017
The Leader presented the report of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 5 January 2017.
(1) Building Control Partnership between Mid Devon District Council and North Devon District Council (Minute 116)
The Leader MOVED, seconded by Councillor R J Chesterton:
THAT the recommendation of the Cabinet as set out in Minute 116 be ADOPTED.
Upon a vote being taken, the MOTION was declared to have been CARRIED.
(2) Proposed Greater Exeter Strategic plan (Minute 119)
The Leader MOVED, seconded by Councillor R J Chesterton:
THAT the recommendation of the Cabinet as set out in Minute 119 be ADOPTED.
Councillor Mrs R Roach MOVED an AMENDMENT, seconded by Councillor Mrs N Wollatt that a further resolution be added as follows:
(12) Prior to any formal agreement to cede powers by MDDC that a consultation exercise will be held in order to ascertain the views of the residents of MDDC. This is to include a state of the district debate.
Following debate and upon a vote being taken, the AMENDMENT was declared to have FAILED.
Upon a vote being taken the MOTION was declared to have been CARRIED.
Supporting documents: