To receive a report from the Director of Corporate Affairs & Business Transformation providing Members with an update on performance against the Corporate Plan and local service targets for 2017-18 as well as providing an update on the key business risks.
The Committee had before it, and NOTED, a report * from the Director of Corporate Affairs & Business Transformation providing Members with an update on performance against the Corporate Plan and local service targets for 2017-18 as well as providing an update on the key business risks.
The contents of the report were outlined and discussion took place regarding the following:
· The question was asked as to who had decided to place the 2 electric car charging points at each Leisure Centre and had this been advertised. It was explained that Property Services had had the charging points installed. As this was Council owned land it was seen as a positive initiative and one way or reducing the Council’s carbon footprint.
· The reporting of affordable housing figures.
· There had been a very slight increase in the percentage of missed collections logged during the summer months. This had been due to staffing issues and the use of agency staff who were perhaps not as familiar with some parts of the District. However, there had been a recent recruitment exercise.
· The Council was also performing well in terms of rent collection during times of financial hardship.
· The Council was performing well in terms of the number of business rate accounts and the number of businesses assisted. However, there was still a comparatively high number of empty shops so whilst there was success in one area there was a challenge in another.
· Of the high risk food premises inspected, 85% were complying with food safety law. ’Scores on the Doors’ was a separate issue and was reported annually.
· A plan to reduce the number of working days lost due to sickness had been discussed by the Leadership Team in October. This would continue to be monitored by them and through the Annual Governance Statement Action Plan.
· The disclosure arrangements for the new wholly owned 3 Rivers Development Company were posing technical accounting questions. The Finance department had enlisted the help of a technical expert who was paid a flat fee for advising the Council and therefore this had not incurred any additional costs. The Council would ensure that it maintained an arms-length relationship with the company and would not allow them any competitive advantage.
· The 3 Rivers Development Company would have to manage its own risks, these were explained as being completely separate to those of the Council.
· An audit would be undertaken of the 3 Rivers governance arrangements shortly.
· The risks in relation to Asset Management. It was explained that the scores in relation to this risk needed to be amended to say ‘5’ for the current risk severity and ‘3’ for current risk likelihood.
· A review note was needed with regard to the Culm Garden Village. There was a financial risk if the bid for capacity funding failed as costs were already being incurred. It was explained that the mitigation would be for the Council to use other funds. The Group Manager for Finance confirmed that she would provide a review note to add assurance.
· It was noted that there were a lot of missing review notes in the Street Scene area. It was requested that this be reflected back to the manager and that review notes appear in future.
The Committee requested that they receive further information regarding the following:
· The completion date for the Birchen Lane development.
· Usage levels regarding the electric charging points at the Leisure Centres.
· That the slides presented by the Deputy Chief Executive (S151) at the 3 Rivers Development Company briefing be circulated to the Committee following this meeting.
· Details regarding a claim against the Council regarding losses and damages from a previous contractor at the Palmerston Park development.
Note: * Report previously circulated; copy attached to the signed minutes.
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