To receive a report from the Rights of Way and Country Parks Manager (DCC) informing Members of the work that has taken place to date.
Consideration was given to a report * of the Public Rights of Way and Country Parks Manager.
Arising thereon:
Wall moving project
The Canal Manager reported that following the Road safety Audit stage 3 report, the possibility of moving the telegraph pole was now being considered. Unfortunately the best time to have done this work would have been during the period of the works, the cost is now more affordable.
Play area
The ground was currently being left to dry out. Rubber mulch would be laid around the boat next week and the official opening would take place on 11 April.
Canal Basin car park flower bed
The flower bed was currently being redesigned to be a more attractive ‘gateway’ into the canal. It had been extended much further down with the parking bays being moved over. The wall that was by the gentlemen’s toilet had been replaced and there were new litter bins. It was hoped that an agreement could be reached with the Mid Devon District Council’s Grounds Maintenance team to maintain this flower bed.
Other works around the Canal Basin
There were plans to replace some picnic benches and to replace a lot of the signs in the car park. There would also be new interpretation panels as the existing ones were quite out of date. Initial drafts of the new panels were shared with members at the meeting. The funding for the majority of these improvements around the Canal basin had come from sources other than the Canal budget.
Tree management works
This winter the tree work undertaken by the Canal Ranger Service has been more proactive in managing trees for the future as well as dealing with present issues. Thinning and formative pruning means that they are well spaced, form a better shape and don’t have low overhanging branches. A few trees had had to be felled due to suspected ash dieback. One large Ash near Tidcombe Bridge had its crown reduced rather than felled due to landscape concerns, but in the future where trees affected by this were not so iconic in the landscape, the rangers would have to take the most affordable course of action which will usually be to fell them. There was now a Devon ash dieback forum and a lot of research was being undertaken in this area.
The Canal Manager was thanked for taking this approach as overhanging trees and their roots had proved to be a real concern. Whilst agreeing that this work needed to be done, he pointed out that there had been some complaints from members of the public about the extent of tree works in recent years.
Ivy growth had become prolific on a number of large trees and whilst it did not damage healthy trees it could add to the ‘sail effect’ of large trees when it began to extend throughout the crown, making them more prone to being blown over in storms. Ivy was being severed at ground level when this became the case.
Hedge laying and planting
A lot of work had been undertaken to thicken the hedge and provide better screening of the AD plant at Crownhill. There was a possibility that the operators of the AD plant would be contributing funding for this work.
420 trees would be provided free by the Woodland Trust due to an application made by the Friends of the Grand Western Canal.
Atherton way ditch works
Works were approaching completion. Many tonnes of material had been removed and the channel which has since been lined with a cement impregnated material. The works will reduce the amount of overtopping during bad weather and reduce the flood risk to properties on Atherton Way.
Badgers in Wilcombe embankment
A badger sett with a family of around 5 or 6 badgers had been present in the embankment beside Wilcombe Primary School since around 2009. It was imperative that they did not burrow through and create a leak in the canal. A line of steel bars had been put in in 2011 to try to ease the potential for this to happen. There were plans to engage some ecological consultants to provide further advice.
Green Flag Award / Management Plan
The Canal Manager had made good progress on drafting a new management plan for the Country Park based around Green Flag Award criteria. His intention was to have this completed before the next round of judging took place. JAC members would be sent copies of the draft plan for comment.
Management projects to be progressed
A brief discussion took place regarding the redesign of the interpretation panel and the historical accuracy of some of the information. The Canal Manager stated that he would look into this and make any necessary adjustments.
Fenacre Farm
It was confirmed that the legal issues regarding unauthorised works at Fenacre Farm had still to be resolved but if capital monies became available it would be possible to move towards something more positive.
Weed management
The Canal Manager was thanked by the representative operating the Community Patrol Boat for the work undertaken to remove weed along the canal. The Patrol Boat had recently picked up three baskets of rubbish from the Canal. It was felt that the dog bins were getting blocked up with general rubbish but Mid Devon District Council had refused to provide additional bins.
The Committee wished to thank the Canal Manager and his team for all the work that they did and for such an excellent and positive report. They also wished it to be noted how good the new design of the entrance to the canal now looked.
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