An application has been received by the licensing department to licence a Private Hire vehicle. The Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Policy in place states that a new licence will not normally be granted if the vehicle is over 5 years old. The vehicle in question was 5 years, 8 months and 25 days at the time of application.
The Members, officers and the applicants representatives introduced themselves.
Prior to consideration of a report * from the Group Manager for Public Health and Regulatory Services to consider an application for a Private Hire Vehicle Licence the Sub Committee discussed whether or not the hearing should be held in public or private. Members considered that the circumstances of the case and agreed to hold the hearing in open session.
The Lead Licensing Officer outlined the contents of the report and explained the key aims and objectives within the policy, those being public safety along with the prevention of crime and disorder. The options before the Sub Committee in relation to the licence were also outlined.
He explained that the recommendation was that the licence was granted which deviated from the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy in place which stated that a new licence will not normally be granted if the vehicle was over 5 years old.
He explained that the policy the authority had adopted had five key aims and objectives which underpinned the licensing process. Two of these were particularly relevant to the application:
1. Vehicle safety, comfort and access
2. Environmental protection
The application was received on 12th March 2019 and that the vehicle was 8 months and 25 days over the 5 year old limit at that time which is why a hearing was necessary.
The Lead Licensing Officer explained that the vehicle was very low mileage with only 11,000 miles on the clock. It had passed all vehicle and omission tests including an MOT and Taxi test. It was not significantly over the 5 year age limit stated in the policy.
He explained that this was a private hire licence application and that the vehicle would not be on the rank or be able to be hailed and therefore the mileage would stay relatively low and that it would be predominately used to take a disabled child to and from school.
Members of the Sub Committee and the applicant’s representatives then withdrew to inspect the vehicle.
On their return, the driver of the vehicle explained that the purpose of the vehicle was to take a young disabled child on school runs and it was to be used as a backup vehicle when the company’s main full sized disabled access taxi was out of operation.
The Sub Committee then withdrew to consider its decision.
Having reflected on the evidence presented the Sub Committee: it was
RESOLVED that the Private Hire Vehicle Licence be granted.
In making its decision the Sub Committee acknowledged that the decision would go against policy but decided that:
A) The type and condition of the vehicle warranted a deviation to policy
B) The very low mileage of 11,000 indicated the condition and low usage of the vehicle. Members would be happy to have members of their family travel in the vehicle.
C) The specialist use of the vehicle and the need to have access for disabled people.
D) The vehicle had passed the all relevant tests and was Euro Standard 5 compliant.
Note: Cllr S Flaws declared a personal interest as he had used Frankies Cabs in the past.
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