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Cullompton Town Centre Masterplan Stage 1 Public Consultation

21/01/2020 - Cullompton Town Centre Masterplan Stage 1 Public Consultation

The Cabinet had before it a *report of Head of Planning, Economy and Regeneration considering the key themes detailed in this and seeking approval to progress to a Stage 1 Public consultation on the Cullompton Town Centre Masterplan and Delivery Plan.


The Group Manager for Growth, Economy and Delivery outlined the contents of the report stating that a baseline report (outlining the key messages gathered from a visioning workshop during Sept 2019) was presented to Members of the Planning Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) as well as consultation boards for discussion which had focussed on the following themes.


Principle 1: Cullompton’s distinctive historic buildings and landscape will be restored and enhanced


Principle 2: Cullompton’s centre will rediscover its historic role as a place of work and making


Principle 3: Cullompton will draw people into the town centre with an enticing experience for visitors


Principle 4: Cullompton’s spaces will be reclaimed and redesigned to support a vibrant community life


Principle 5: Cullompton will be a sustainable town for its growing community: with education, community and recreational facilities


Principle 6: It will be easy of move around on foot, on bicycle, by bus and by train.


Changes to the consultation boards requested at PPAG included more emphasis on:


a)        Road / traffic

b)        Living in the town centre

c)         The use of key heritage assets e.g St Andrew’s Church, The Walronds, The Manor Hotel and Town Hall.

d)        Delivery of public / private partnerships

e)        The third (community) economy.


Consideration was given to the consultation process and the possible use of ‘Survey Monkey’ and/or different forms of social media.


It was therefore:




a)    The themes set out in this report to form the basis for a Stage 1 Public Consultation be agreed; and


b)    The associated Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report and the Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report for consultation be approved.


c)    Delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning, Economy and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration to finalise the material and arrangements for consultation.


(Proposed by the Chairman)


Note:  *Report previously circulated, copy attached to minutes.