The Cabinet had before it a *report of the Deputy Chief Executive (S151) which sought to present a revised budget for 2020-2021 which would address the loss of income and the additional expenditure arising from the pandemic and those actions which had been taken to control it. The report also set out some in-year changes to the budget and the capital programme.
The Deputy Chief Executive (S151) outlined to contents of the report and explained that the emergency budget was important but it had been challenging due to uncertainties. He explained that it was a positive overview and that the Council’s overspend may only be in the region of £250k which was much lower than other local authorities of similar size.
He explained that the Government support, whilst welcome, would leave a deficit and that there were concerns with the collection rates for council tax and business rates slipping moving forward.
Consideration was given to:
· The final salary and job title for the proposed Climate Change officer had not been determined at this stage and therefore the budget allocation of £30k in the 2021-2022 was indicative
It was therefore RESOLVED that:
a) Cabinet NOTED the Council’s revised spending proposals in respect of its General Fund.
b) Cabinet AGREED an amendment to budget of £7,500 in 2020/21 to create a Climate Coordinator pose on a fixed term contract for one year.
Reason for Decision: To assist in delivery of the Council’s pledge to become carbon neutral by 2030. Whilst the annual cost is expected to be £30k, the in-year budget change will meet the anticipated costs in 2020/21, assuming recruitment is completed by January 2021
c) Cabinet AGREED additional expenditure in the current year of £14k for the installation of a solar array at Carlu Close.
Reason for Decision: The solar array at Carlu Close will be increased in capacity to maximise its environmental advantage. There is an existing approved budget for 2020/21 of £18k and the additional expenditure will meet the increased cost of the increase.
d) Cabinet RECOMMENDED to COUNCIL that £270k was added to the Capital Programme for 2020/21.
Reason for Decision: The Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) project relating to Cullompton (which spans the 4 years from 2020/21 to 2023/24) is expected to result in up to £270k expenditure in 2020/21. It can be noted that £130k is funded from external bodies with the balance coming from existing ear- marked reserves.
(Proposed by the Chairman)
Note: *report previously circulated and attached to the minutes