The Cabinet had before it a * report of the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy updating members with regard to the Cullompton and Wellington new stations project and related service enhancements and to identify the next steps for taking the project forward..
The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Regeneration outlined the contents of the report stating that in May 2020, the partnership was successful in securing funding of up to £50k from the Department for Transport’s “Restoring your Railway” Ideas Fund. This funding had supported the development of the Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC). The report referred to an intention to submit the SOBC to DfT by the end of 2021. The SOBC had been delayed by a couple of weeks as there were a few changes that partners were keen to make to further enhance the business case. Officers understanding was that this project was still the most advanced of all the ‘ideas fund’ projects nationally. It was also understood that the formal DfT consideration of submissions was due to commence in February/March. Officers continued to meet regularly with the Department for Transport, those meetings had proven to be very positive.
Subject to approval of the SOBC by the Department for Transport (DfT), this would provide a basis for entering into discussions regarding progressing into the next stage of development. If the project were to progress to the next stage this could be very timely should there be a fourth round of the New Stations Fund announced later in the year.
Discussion took place with regard to the positive information and the need to include Okehampton on the map within the report.
RESOLVED that the report be noted and that officers continue to explore funding opportunities for the next stages of the project.
(Proposed by Cllr R J Chesterton and seconded by Cllr Mrs N Woollatt)
Reason for Decision: to continue to move the project forward.
Note: *Report previously circulated, copy attached to minutes