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Declarations of interest for agenda item 'DECLARATION OF INTERESTS UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT (0.04.15)'
- Cllr Frank Letch MBE - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - Declaration in accordance with protocol of Good Practice for Councillors dealing with planning matters for applications 21/01998/FULL and 21/02001/LBC as he had received correspondence
- Cllr Frank Letch MBE - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - Made a declaration in accordance with protocol of Good Practice for Councillors dealing with planning matters for application 21/01501/FULL as he had received correspondence
- Cllr Simon Clist - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - Made a declaration in accordance with protocol of Good Practice for Councillors dealing with planning matters for Bell Cottage, Woodland Head, Yeoford EX17 5HF as he had received correspondance
- Cllr Simon Clist - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - Made a declaration in accordance with protocol of Good Practice for Councillors dealing with planning matters for application 21/01501/FULL as he had received correspondence
- Cllr Simon Clist - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - Declaration in accordance with protocol of Good Practice for Councillors dealing with planning matters for applications 21/01998/FULL and 21/02001/LBC as he had received correspondence
- Councillor Chris Daw - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - Made a declaration in accordance with protocol of Good Practice for Councillors dealing with planning matters for Bell Cottage, Woodland Head, Yeoford EX17 5HF as she had knowledge of the enforcement case in her capacity as Cabinet Member for Continuous Improvement
- Councillor Dennis Knowles - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - Declaration in accordance with protocol of Good Practice for Councillors dealing with planning matters for applications 21/01998/FULL and 21/02001/LBC as he had received correspondence
- Councillor John Berry - Personal - Made a personal declaration for applications 21/01998/FULL and 21/02001/LBC as he knew the applicant and Town Trust members