Declarations of interest for agenda item 'APPLICATION 22/00672/FULL - Development Site at NGR 295336 112490 St George's Court, Tiverton, Devon - Formation of residential parking area and landscaping works (3.31.11)'
Cllr Ben Holdman - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - APPLICATION 22/00672/FULL - Was a member of Tiveton Town Council Planning Committee
Cllr Les Cruwys - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - APPLICATION 22/00672/FULL - Ward Member and correspondence received
Cllr Simon Clist - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - APPLICATION 22/00672/FULL - Correspondence received
Councillor Andrew Moore - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - APPLICATION 22/00672/FULL - Was the Cabinet Member responsible for the applicant
Councillor Clive Eginton - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - APPLICATION 22/00672/FULL - Had attended a Cabinet meeting relating to loans to the applicant but had abstained on the vote
Councillor Peter Heal - Protocol of Good practice for Councillors - APPLICATION 22/00672/FULL - Correspondence received