Venue: Phoenix Chambers, Phoenix House, Tiverton
Contact: David Parker Member Services Officer
Link: audio recording
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES AND SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS (0.03.40) To receive any apologies for absence and notices of appointment of substitute Members (if any). Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr R. Roberts
Cllrs S. Clist, L. Cruwys, A. Glover, S. Keable, L. Knight and J. Lock attended by Teams |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT (0.04.01) To record any interests on agenda matters.
Minutes: Members were reminded of the need to make declarations where appropriate.
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (0.04.23) PDF 268 KB To receive any questions relating to items on the agenda from members of the public and replies thereto.
Note: A maximum of 30 minutes is allowed for this item. Minutes: Three members of the public raised questions which were accepted.
Nick Quinn raised the following questions:
Question 1: A “Part 2” report by the Deputy Chief Executive called “Creation of a Property Development Company” was discussed and approved by Cabinet on 30/03/2017. It was subsequently released under FOI. Would you please confirm that the development at the rear of the Town Hall, St Georges Court, was put forward in this report as the first project for 3 Rivers?
Answer: The Deputy Chief Executive (S.151) answered that it was a categorical yes.
Question 2: Regarding the fees of the Architectural Practice that designed St George’s Court and did the plans for it (Mikhail Riches). Was it the Council, or 3 Rivers, that ultimately paid for this work?
Answer: The Deputy Chief Executive (S.151) answered that back in 2019, when that contract was awarded to Mikhail Riches, it was the Council who had contracted with Mikhail Riches for the scheme. However, when the scheme transferred to 3 Rivers all of the intellectual property, the plans and therefore the costs were fully transferred across to 3 Rivers, so ultimately 3 Rivers paid for that work.
Question 3: The outcomes of external reviews into 3 Rivers were reported to Cabinet in June 2020. These showed there were problems with the company at that time - but the Company was allowed to continue in operation. Now, in 2023, another external review has resulted in the Cabinet recommending the wind-up of the Company. Can it be publicly explained why the Cabinet decided not to wind-up 3 Rivers in 2020, when any loss is likely to have been less?
Answer: The Deputy Chief Executive (S.151) answered; the two external reviews in 2020 did not show that there were problems with the company, they were commissioned by an incoming cabinet administration to confirm that the company had all the correct legal and financial controls and governance in place and that is exactly what those two external commissions came back to the cabinet with. They came up with 33 recommendations and all the recommendations in the two reports were adopted and recommended by cabinet and approved by Full Council.
At the same juncture the Council agreed to continue with the property development company investment. In 2023 the Council had asked the S151 officer to commission an external review into the financial viability of the company. That is what he did and that was part of the considerations made by cabinet at its recent meeting. As far as the explanation as to why the cabinet decided not to wind up 3 Rivers in 2020, the cabinet had asked for and received advice around governance of the company, it was happy with that advice and it decided to continue with its investment in the company, three years later the financial position along with things like Covid, cost of living crisis etc. had changed the economic outlook of many things in the world including ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
DECISIONS OF THE CABINET (0.24.28) PDF 255 KB To consider any decisions made by the Cabinet at its last meeting that may be called-in. Additional documents:
Minutes: A Decision made by the Cabinet on 16 August 2023 in respect of the following report was called in for consideration by Councillor R Gilmour. 3 Rivers Options Appraisal Report
The reason for the call in was:
The Chairman read a statement which included the following:
(Proposed by the Chairman, Cllr R Gilmour)