Meeting Information
From 7 May 2021, the law requires all councils to hold formal meetings in person. The Council will enable all people to continue to participate in meetings via Teams.
If you want to ask a question or speak, email your full name to by no later than 4pm on the day before the meeting. This will ensure that your name is on the list to speak and will help us ensure that you are not missed –Notification in this way will also ensure that the meeting runs as smoothly as possible.
The Planning Committee exercises functions on behalf of the Council relating to:
Planning and Conservation functions relating to town and country planning
development control and all matters concerning trees; and
To confirm and consider changes to the existing Scheme of Delegation to the Director of Place
Public Question Time is available at the beginning of the meeting for those present to ask questions about any item on the agenda, or to speak briefly by way of background or introduction to those questions, including planning applications.
All meetings of the Planning Committee are open to the public. You can attend in person or remotely. You are asked to inform the Committee Clerk by 4pm the day before the meeting if you will be attending via and advise how you will be attending. If you intend to speak at the meeting you must provide the detail of which application you wish to speak to and in which capacity.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1 only:
(d) Residents, electors or business rate payers of the District shall be entitled to ask questions
Questioners may be requested to submit evidence of the above.
All questions are to be submitted to the Committee clerk by 4pm the day before the meeting. Questions not submitted in advance will not be permitted.
Questions may be rejected if:
Any late information to be tabled at Planning Committee including photographs must be submitted to the Committee Clerk no later than 12pm the Friday before a Planning Committee is due to take place or it will not be considered at the meeting.
Further detailed procedures for those attending the Planning Committee are available via the following link:
Support officer: Angie Howell. Democratic Services Officer
Phone: 01884 234251