Venue: Phoenix Chambers, Phoenix House, Tiverton
Contact: Carole Oliphant Member Services Officer
Link: audiorecording
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES AND SUBSTITUTE (0.03.55) To receive any apologies for absence and notices of appointment of substitute Members (if any). Minutes: There were no apologies or substitute Members. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT (0.04.09) To record any interests on agenda matters.
Minutes: Members were reminded of the need to make declarations where appropriate. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (0.04.18) To receive any questions relating to items on the agenda from members of the public and replies thereto.
Note: A maximum of 30 minutes is allowed for this item. Minutes: There were no questions from members of the public present. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING (0.04.27) PDF 134 KB To consider whether to approve the minutes as a correct record of the meeting held on 30th May 2022.
Minutes: A proposal to amend the wording of the minute of item 10 - Corporate Plan Mid Point Review of the minutes for 30th May 2022 was not supported.
(Proposed by Cllr G Barnell and seconded by Cllr A Wilce)
A proposal to amend the wording of the minute of item 11 Work Plan (a) Forward Plan of the minutes 30th May 2022 was not supported.
(Proposed by Cllr G Barnell and seconded by Cllr A Wilce)
The minutes of the last meeting held on 30th May were approved as a correct record and SIGNED by the Chairman.
(Proposed by the Chairman)
i. Cllrs G Barnell and A Wilce requested that their votes against the decision be recorded ii. Cllrs L J Cruwys, F W Letch and Mrs E J Lloyd requested that their abstention from voting be recorded |
DECISIONS OF THE CABINET (0.19.52) To consider any decisions made by the Cabinet at its last meeting that have been called-in. Minutes: The Committee NOTED that none of the decisions made by the Cabinet on 12th July 2022 had been called in. |
CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS (0.20.05) To receive any announcements that the Chairman of Scrutiny Committee may wish to make. Minutes: The Chairman reminded the Committee of the next scheduled meeting on 22nd August 2022. |
WHISTLEBLOWING 6 MONTH UPDATE (0.20.27) To receive details that there have been no Whistleblowing instances in the previous 6 months. Minutes: The Committee NOTED that there had been no whistleblowing instances in the previous 6 months. |
LEADERS ANNUAL REPORT (0.21.23) PDF 256 KB To receive the Leaders Annual Report for 2021-2022. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee had before it, and NOTED, the Leaders Annual Report for 2021-2022.
The Leader informed the Committee that he had not received any advance questions and that an updated report would be presented to the next Audit Committee.
Consideration was given to:
· There was currently no data available to confirm how many failures of the Homes for Ukraine’s scheme had occurred in Mid Devon · The Government had allowed Ukrainian refugees to move schemes if a breakdown in families occurred which enabled them to stay in the UK · If any Ukrainian refugees became homeless in Mid Devon due to break down of relationships with their hosts that the Council had a statutory requirement to rehome them and officers remained committed to helping refugees · Members request that data on affordable housing be updated and included in future reports · Members gratitude to the Revenue and Benefits Service for the high collection rates of Business Rates and Council Tax
Note: *report previously circulated and attached to the minutes |
PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING (0.35.49) PDF 139 KB To receive and agree a terms of reference for a spotlight review into Participatory Budgeting
Minutes: The Committee had before it the Terms of Reference for a spotlight review into Participatory Budgeting.
Cllr Mrs E J Lloyd introduced the proposal and explained the review would look at how the Council could bring communities into the budget setting process.
The Corporate Manager for Finance explained that the review would need to be limited to smaller projects as the majority of the Council’s budget was spent on mandatory services. He explained that some smaller projects were already open to public participation through the S106 Contributions process.
The Leader stated that the Members set the budget, not officers and that anything which brought the public into the process would be welcomed.
The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to the Terms of Reference for a spotlight review into Participatory Budgeting.
(Proposed by Cllr Mrs E J Lloyd and seconded by Cllr G Barnell)
It was therefore AGREED that the following Members of the Scrutiny Committee take part in the Spotlight Review:
· Cllrs Mrs E J Lloyd and S J Clist · The Cabinet Member for Finance would also be invited to take part in the review
Note: *Terms of Reference previously circulated and attached to the minutes |
To review the existing Work Plan and consider items for the committee’s future consideration, taking account of:
(a) Any items within the Forward Plan for discussion at the next meeting;
(b) The update from the Policy Research Officer on existing projects and forthcoming matters;
(c) Suggestions of other work for the committee in 2022/23. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee reviewed the current *Forward Plan and *Scrutiny Work Plan and NOTED the following items:
· Forward Plan – no items were identified for pre Scrutiny · An update from the Policy Research Officer who stated she would chase East Devon District Council for a commitment into a joint project to look into the Bio Energy Industry and would also extend an invitation to Somerset West and Taunton Council. · There had been some suggestions for work highlighted at the informal meeting on 11th July 2022 which had been added to the Work Plan for the remainder of 2022-2023 · Members requested the voids report being prepared by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Property Services and the Cabinet Member for Continuous Improvement be presented to the Scrutiny Committee · Members requested that a report on the Councils involvement in the Homes for Ukraine scheme be presented to the Scrutiny Committee
Note: *Forward Plan and Scrutiny Work Plan previously circulated and attached to the minutes |